Latest News at NCG
Asking for a Friend... How Can Philanthropy Prep for the Next Election?
The looming election seems to be top of mind for many people, and certainly top of the news cycle. To some the election is signaling hope, but for others despair or apathy. I too, feel the knot in my stomach when thinking about the election, but not because I am worried about the results. For me, it’s because outcomes aside, I see the U.S. facing a rapid descent into fascism.
It All Matters: Investing in the Whole of Northern California
Sometimes a name only tells part of the story. When people hear that I lead Northern California Grantmakers, they often envision a membership that serves the greater Bay Area. It’s understandable, as people frequently use the two terms frequently, presuming that NCG is synonymous with Bay Area. It is not. To be clear, our 220 institutional and 4,000 individual members are distributed throughout and serve the 48 northernmost California counties, from Kern County to the Oregon border. This region is larger than any U.S.
Housing Justice: Organizing, Power Building, and Opportunities for Philanthropy
There are few communities that haven’t been impacted by homelessness, and while jurisdictions grapple with possible resolutions, we know that criminalizing unhoused people is not the solution to this growing problem. The real solution lies in addressing the root causes of poverty and homelessness, implementing a strategy to increase the production and preservation of affordable housing units, including extremely low income and no income housing, and protecting tenants so that they can maintain stable housing and keep from slipping into homelessness.
Announcing Molly Woodbury as Membership Engagement Coordinator
As a part of the Membership team, Molly sustains NCG’s membership – from welcoming new members, managing the systems that support engagement, to strategically building a dynamic membership experience.
How We Strengthen Democracy from the Ground Up
As funders and concerned community members, we have the ability – and the responsibility – to direct more resources to local organizations that are fortifying our democracy from the ground up.
Together is a Gift: Reflections on the 2024 Annual Conference
When the team conceptualized the theme for the 2024 Annual Conference, Imagine & Act, we knew there was potential for it to be a momentous gathering. The conference experience began to fall into place with plans to inspire action, stretch the thinking, and sharpen the practices of attendees. What we couldn’t predict when we built this space, is how it would be filled by all of you.
Asking for a friend....why are so many foundations unwilling to give more than the minimum payout?
Miguel asks: “Why do y’all think so many foundations are unwilling to give out more than the minimum payout? How can we convince larger foundations to give more than what is legally required?”
Asking For A Friend...What's the role of philanthropy in supporting power-building efforts?
Dear What is The Role of Philanthropy in Supporting Power-Building, I’m so glad you asked this question! We know that cutting checks alone won’t realize justice. At the San Francisco Foundation, we define power-building as "the strategic act of shifting power away from historically oppressive systems and towards a new center of gravity that advances authentic democracy, redistribution, and reparation.”