Latest News at NCG
A Call for Immediate Philanthropic Action to Fund Frontline Climate Organizations in California
The federal government is continuing to divest and deregulate climate and environmental justice initiatives. Philanthropic and statewide government funders have a critical role in deepening its investment in resilience ensuring frontline communities are able to withstand the impacts of a changing climate with steadfast environmental justice funding.
NCG Wrapped: Take a Look at NCG's Annual (Not) Report
Check out how we wrapped up 2024!
Our Actions Must Be Greater Than Our Fear: NCG’s Reflection on the 2024 Elections
We have the privilege of living in one of the richest, most innovative, and – some believe –progressive regions in the world. Now is the time we prove it. We must enact solutions that withstand punitive and regressive policies, fortify community, and embody values-based approaches.
Philanthropy California's Commitment to an Inclusive Democracy
Ahead of the 2024 General Election, Philanthropy California — the statewide alliance of Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties, Northern California Grantmakers, and SoCal Grantmakers — stands firm in our commitment to a vibrant and inclusive democracy. We believe free and fair elections are vital, as are efforts to protect the integrity of our democratic institutions and processes. We are united in our commitment to advance policies that build healthy, thriving, and equitable communities across our state.
Announcing Molly Woodbury as Membership Engagement Coordinator
As a part of the Membership team, Molly sustains NCG’s membership – from welcoming new members, managing the systems that support engagement, to strategically building a dynamic membership experience.
NCG in DC: Reflections from Foundations on the Hill
Our delegation had wrapped up a full day of meetings with congressional and agency staffers where we elevated some of the most pressing issues facing our state: housing and economic security, climate and disaster resiliency, nonprofit resiliency, and democracy and civic engagement.
Announcing Youth Power Fund’s Third Phase $1.12 Million in Grants to Youth Organizing Groups
The Youth Power Fund (YPF) is excited to announce grants to 32 youth organizing groups in Northern California to collectively cultivate a powerful youth organizing ecosystem with shared strategies that engage more young people, expand power, and support transformative youth organizing practices in the field.