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NCG Voices
Mar 27, 2025

Beyond the Boom: Why California Must Prepare for Future Climate Funding—Even as Federal Dollars Dry Up

NCG Voices
Mar 27, 2025

Lessons from the LA Fires: Philanthropy’s Role in Disaster Response and Recovery

As the impacts of climate change continue to wreak havoc, philanthropy’s role in supporting disaster-affected communities remains essential to achieving equitable recoveries and building resilience before the next disaster.  Philanthropy California (Philanthropy CA) has long monitored wildfire & natural hazard events, provided resources and timely programming to support funder awareness and collaboration, and partnered with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to support immediate disaster relief as well as long-term recovery efforts.

NCG Voices
Nov 21, 2024

Gathering Ourselves for the Long Haul: Post-Election Convening Reflection

While many of us are grappling with the current political realities of our country and how to move forward, we are reminded of the importance of holding a bold and affirmative, long-term vision for a just multi-racial democracy. 

NCG Voices
Aug 12, 2024

Housing Justice: Organizing, Power Building, and Opportunities for Philanthropy

There are few communities that haven’t been impacted by homelessness, and while jurisdictions grapple with possible resolutions, we know that criminalizing unhoused people is not the solution to this growing problem. The real solution lies in addressing the root causes of poverty and homelessness, implementing a strategy to increase the production and preservation of affordable housing units, including extremely low income and no income housing, and protecting tenants so that they can maintain stable housing and keep from slipping into homelessness. 

NCG Voices
Mar 8, 2023

Reflection on Black Futures, Black Freedom, and Democracy

Last week we celebrated Black futures and explored how we achieve a multiracial democracy that centers Black people. Northern California Grantmakers (NCG) and California Black Freedom Fund (CBFF) have been scheming to bring something to philanthropy for a while. More than 200 folks joined us to have some challenging conversations about the legacy of systemic racism, how it impacts today, and how we turn the corner and build a democracy that serves us all.

NCG Voices
Jan 31, 2023

Grieving Loss + Embodying Solidarity

In the wake of recent violence in Half Moon Bay, Monterey Park, and Memphis I hope you are finding opportunities to collectively grieve and honor the lives of Asian, Latino, and Black community members tragically lost. At NCG we have been sitting with the heaviness of this grief. We extend empathy and solidarity to those who mourn the loss of loved ones and those supporting the injured to heal from these profoundly traumatic acts of violence. 

NCG Voices
Jan 12, 2023

California Winter Storms

California is experiencing a series of repeated atmospheric river events that are leading to flooding, power outages, and mudslides across much of the state. 

NCG Voices
Dec 14, 2022

Announcing Semiyah Constantino as Digital Engagement Associate

NCG is pleased to welcome a new member to its growing team! Semiyah Constantino (she/her) joins as the Digital Engagement Associate to help with all aspects of communications. Semiyah has experience leading publishing and design, rebranding, and most recently was a Digital Marketing Apprentice at COOP Careers advancing her digital skills.