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Asking for a Friend...
May 22, 2023

Asking for a Friend... I'm Tired of Being a Token

As a member of a marginalized community, I keep getting tasked with playing the “educator” or “teacher” in my institution. I’m a member of the communities we aim to serve, but I feel uncomfortable serving as a spokesperson or ambassador for my communities. I hold authentic relationships with these grantee-partners outside of philanthropy and feel pressure to represent the MULTIPLE perspectives of my communities. Help, what can I do? 

Mic Drop
Apr 18, 2023

Mic Drop | Reparations: How Philanthropy Can Build A Culture of Repair

In the kickoff of out Mic Drop Series, hear from Aria Florant on philanthropy's role in reparations. 

CEO Corner
Apr 10, 2023

Solidarity, Not Charity in Philanthropy

First, let’s get honest about the historical context we are operating in. Philanthropy exists as a result of capitalism and was formed through centuries of slavery, colonization, and displacement. The systems are designed to extract resources, privatize wealth, and centralize power and control of said resources. The systems are successfully doing exactly what they have been designed to do. 

Announcement/Press Release
Mar 23, 2023

James Head Joins NCG as Senior Fellow

NCG is thrilled to announce that the illustrious James Head, former CEO of the East Bay Community Foundation amongst other distinguished posts will be joining our team as the new 5 Shifts Senior Fellow. 

Announcement/Press Release
Mar 23, 2023

Mobilizing Resources: Levee Breach in Monterey County

On March 11th a levee breach on the Pajaro River in Monterey County resulted in the evacuation and flooding of the community of Pajaro – a predominately Latino farmworker community.

Announcement/Press Release
Mar 22, 2023

Celebrating 10 Years of Community, Joy, Leadership, and Growth

To the NCG Community, March 31st will be my final day at NCG. It has been a remarkable 10 years filled with endless stories, laughter, joy, some tears, and enormous growth. Later this spring, I will be joining NPAG, a national talent search firm focused on leadership in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors.   It has been a true gift to be a part of this community and to have the opportunity to work with all of you.

CEO Corner
Mar 9, 2023

Lessons on Legacy and Lineage

If you know me, you know how central my mother was in my life. I often say I do what I do because of my father, but I am what I am because of her. So when her birthday rolled around recently and my sister Nadine mentioned she’d unearthed some more papers of hers, I was naturally interested. In particular, Nadine found notes my mother had made on a 1948 article titled Health Problems of Negroes in Richmond.

Announcement/Press Release
Mar 8, 2023

Announcing Victoria Rodarte as NCG’s Senior Democracy Fellow

NCG is excited to share that Victoria Rodarte (she/her) is joining the team as its first-ever Senior Democracy Fellow beginning March 27th. Victoria brings direct experience in mobilizing resources for a strong democracy, immigrant legal services, and interning for political campaigns