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This month, NCG's Collaborative Philanthropy Coordinator, Krystle Chipman, sat down with the Loan Underwriter of the Arts Loan Fund and Principal of Padma Consulting, Margaret Southerland. Margaret shared why she believes the Arts Loan Fund (ALF) can be a game changer for arts nonprofits in the region.
Support NCG’s work to curate an Annual Conference that connects, inspires, and mobilizes philanthropy by becoming a sponsor.
NCG's Racial Equity Action Institute centers racial equity with an intersectional framework that recognizes the ways race is shaped and informed by class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Learn more about the annual cohort and how to apply here.
Foundations effect greater change in the world when their funding decisions are shaped by the people and communities most harmed by inequities. While many funders agree with this notion, there is often a struggle to invest in systems change and to actualize community-centered funding. This session will discuss effective vs. extractive listening practices, provide a framework to implement power-sharing, and highlight lessons learned from regional grantmakers to evolve their practices.
The National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP) and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) are pleased to announce a multi-session Learning and Action Cohort for family philanthropies and individual donors who are significantly scaling up their philanthropy. Once a foundation or other form of philanthropy reaches a certain size, more robust practices and approaches are required in order to maximize impact. This program will support and guide families and professional staff as they adopt the necessary organizational changes to support an influx of assets with peer learning, hands-on workshops, consultation, and expert guidance from others who have successfully maneuvered similar transitions.
NCG’s sustainers recognize that philanthropy can and must do better. Our sustainers support and bolster NCG’s efforts to deliver programs and offerings that intentionally gather people, lift up effective practices that mobilize the field, and transform philanthropy as a whole to advance racial equity in our region. Additionally, this support gives NCG the opportunity to go deeper, explore new ideas, adapt when necessary, and to experiment with transformative approaches.
NCG's Foundations of Racial Equity (FRE) provides training for philanthropic practitioners to understand how anti-Black racism and white supremacy influence the field of the practice of philanthropy and provides opportunities for action in your organizations.