About The Conference
Hi, we are glad you are here!
This year's conference theme, Becoming our Vision, aims to support our sector through the polarizing and precarious times we're in. For philanthropy, this moment requires us to close the gap between our values and our actions to truly become our shared vision of equity and justice. At their core, visions are born from our deepest desires for the future. What are we needing in this moment? What is the ecosystem of relationships and expansive ideas we need to become our vision? What does this interdependent ecosystem look and feel like?
The Call to Philanthropy
Imagine a Northern California where resources are redistributed back to those leading transforming change. In this vision, healing and justice are not merely aspirations, but realities. The conference aims to align philanthropy to listen deeply, act boldly, and commit enuring resources to become the vision we seek for our shared future. What are you being called for in this moment? Let's answer the call together.
About the Audience
NCG is made up of community members across philanthropy including program officers, board members, donor trustees, individual donors, movement conveners, communicators, visionaries, advocates, dreamers, and believers. We believe in our collective power for good.
- NCG's Annual Conference brings together hundreds of NCG members and partners from the sector and all over Northern California!
- 4,000+ grantmaking members representing the entire spectrum of philanthropy from community, family, independent, and corporate foundations to government grantmakers, and philanthropic advisors, partners, and individual donors.
- An active and engaged social media following: 3,000+ LinkedIn followers and email list of 4,500.
Support NCG’s work to curate an Annual Conference that connects, inspires, and mobilizes philanthropy by becoming a sponsor.
Sponsorship Levels
Mover and Shaker: $25,000
- 10 conference passes
- Verbal acknowledgment during the conference
- Logo link on the website
- Recognition as a Mover and Shaker Sponsor on conference collateral and promotions
Visionary: $15,000
- 6 full conference passes
- Logo on website
- Recognition as a Visionary Sponsor on conference collateral and promotions
Dreamer: $10,000
- 4 full conference passes
- Logo on website
- Recognition as a Dreamer Sponsor on conference collateral and promotions
Believer: $7,500
- 2 full conference passes
- Logo on website
- Recognition as an Believer Sponsor on conference collateral and promotions