Info Session: Unconscious Whiteness in Philanthropy Cohorts
Are you struggling to understand your role as a white person in philanthropic spaces centering racial equity? If you are a foundation or philanthropic-client serving staff member, board member, or trustee, join peers in a five-session cohort learning experience to deepen your understanding of how white supremacy manifests in philanthropic organizations and systems.
In this series, we peel back historical layers to review how white supremacy was created and embedded in the philanthropic sector, impacting everything from grantmaking and relationships to management and decision-making. Then we explore concrete strategies and actions to help you show up as interrupters of the status quo in philanthropic leadership and decision-making. We’ll use a blend of reading/listening/watching relevant content, interactive activities, and embodied learning. Be prepared to be uncomfortable in service of developing a greater capacity to undo patterns that sustain white-dominant norms and perpetuate racism.
The series uses a humanizing and healing approach that calls white people to be gentle and patient with ourselves while still choosing discomfort and taking meaningful action - a way of engaging that goes against everything white supremacy has taught us.
During this brief overview and Q&A session, co-facilitators Alison Traina and Ali Sirkus Brody will describe NCG’s upcoming five-session peer cohort learning experience intended to deepen your understanding of how white supremacy manifests in philanthropic organizations and systems.
The goal of this affinity group cohort is to offload the labor and burden on BIPOC folks in philanthropy. We invite BIPOC staff members to share with white colleagues they think would benefit.
Series Preview
Series Expectations
During this series cohort participants will:
- Peel back historical layers to review how white supremacy was created and embedded in the philanthropic sector, impacting everything from grantmaking and relationships to management and decision-making
- Explore concrete strategies and actions to help you show up as interrupters of the status quo in philanthropic leadership and decision-making
- Use a healing approach that calls white people to be gentle and patient with ourselves while still choosing discomfort and taking meaningful action
Series Audience
This series is for white-identifying foundation leaders, especially staff, board members and senior executives of foundations or philanthropic client-serving organizations, who understand that racism, whiteness, and habits of white supremacy create problems but are unsure how to address these huge dynamics.
This is for you if you are (still) feeling confused, overwhelmed, and intimidated by the idea of addressing how racism and white supremacy show up as you undertake philanthropic leadership and foundation work. You’re ready to learn how you can use your positional power to act in solidarity with people of color in service of advancing systems that benefit people of every racial group, and especially those who are marginalized. If you have the desire to take anti-racist action in your role as a foundation professional and white leader in the philanthropic sector, join us to grapple with white supremacy and how it shows up in your life and work.
Why an all-white space? It may seem counterintuitive to do antiracism work as an all-white group or with white facilitators. However, as many leaders, scholars, trainers, and activists of color have pointed out, it is the responsibility of white people to unlearn our internalized racism, and to help one another do so. Racial affinity spaces offer us the opportunity to speak honestly and bluntly, to support and coach one another, and to ask embarrassing questions without the risk of hurting or over-burdening people of color.
Series Cohorts
- Cohort 1: Staff/consultants of foundation and philanthropic client-serving organizations.
- Cohort 2: Foundation leadership, including board members, trustees, and Executive Directors/CEOs

Ali Sirkus Brody

Ali Sirkus Brody
Ali Sirkus Brody is a Senior Philanthropic Advisor at the San Francisco Foundation where she partners with donors on their philanthropic journeys and helps connect them to giving that brings meaning and purpose. Ali helps individuals and families create giving plans and grantmaking strategies that maximize philanthropic impact. She brings an equity lens to her work, supporting donors to move resources into the hands of communities and organizations on the front-lines of social change.
Ali has worked for nonprofits and foundations for over 20 years. Most recently Ali founded Greater Good Philanthropy, a consulting firm on a mission to inspire progressive philanthropists to become actively anti-racist partners in our shared pursuit of equity and liberation.
Ali is a certified life coach and a 21/64 certified philanthropic facilitator and trainer. She holds a Master of Arts in Nonprofit Management from the University of San Francisco and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In her free time, Ali enjoys dance, travel, hiking, weaving, singing around the campfire and raising her two sons to be intersectional feminists.

Alison Traina, M.Ed., CPC

Alison Traina, M.Ed., CPC
Alison Traina , M.Ed.,CPC, is someone who’s a huge fan of speaking in the first person. I’m a Bay Area-based coach, consultant, and educator who’s committed to creating a more just world for all of us, not just some of us.
One of the through lines of my work and education has been understanding whiteness so I can identify and interrupt white supremacy: in myself, first and foremost, and in the relationships and systems I participate in. Most of my work is with white people and white-led organizations who understand that white supremacy (they may call it racism) is real and harmful, but they aren’t sure what to do about it. I have a specific interest in working with white philanthropic leaders to reimagine philanthropy, redistribute wealth, and cede power to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities.
I do this work because…
…even though racial oppression has been the default setting in our country since its inception, it’s
actually optional.
…I believe white people can play a critical role in dismantling racially oppressive structures.
…I want to build a world where BIPOC experience liberation every day.
I value listening deeply, from a place of curiosity and empathy, and I ask questions that stop people in their tracks. I tend to notice what others miss, helping my clients connect the dots between their thoughts, beliefs, goals, and actions. I’ve also been described as “warmly demanding”: I hold my folks to high standards while cheering them on along the way. I believe this work is both strategic and emergent; we can simultaneously set concrete goals while creating space for what needs to be voiced and acted upon.
Some of my recent clients and partners include: Stanford University, Camelback Ventures, Airbnb, Earthjustice, The Equity Lab, Contra Costa County, and a variety of philanthropic organizations. I completed my Certified Professional Coach certification through Leadership That Works (backed by the International Coach Federation). I earned a master’s degree in Education from Vanderbilt University, where I focused on learning, diversity, and urban studies; I also hold a BA in Sociology with a minor in Ethnic Studies from UC Davis (special shout-out to Davis, where I started learning about systemic oppression as a wee seventeen year old!).
Email: [email protected]