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Philanthropy California is reviving our Sacramento Advocacy Day, back in-person since 2019! This convening is a unique opportunity to connect policymakers and philanthropy across the State and emphasize the importance of cross-sector collaboration. Join us April 1 & 2, 2025 at the State Capitol for a day and a half of programming and legislative meetings for opportunities to partner together on critical issues impacting our state as we welcome a new Congress and representatives.
As funders and concerned community members, we have the ability – and the responsibility – to direct more resources to local organizations that are fortifying our democracy from the ground up.
Join us for an in-person grant writing training that brings together community-based organizations, nonprofits, and Tribes in and around Sacramento to learn about pursuing grant funds to support your organization’s vision and values. An emphasis will be building organizational capacity to address climate resilience initiatives.
Conundrum: As a person of color leading a foundation, how do I deal with white staff who are demanding progress on DEI while simultaneously disrespecting, microaggressing, etc.
In the wake of recent violence in Half Moon Bay, Monterey Park, and Memphis I hope you are finding opportunities to collectively grieve and honor the lives of Asian, Latino, and Black community members tragically lost. At NCG we have been sitting with the heaviness of this grief. We extend empathy and solidarity to those who mourn the loss of loved ones and those supporting the injured to heal from these profoundly traumatic acts of violence.
CCJFG Membership Meetings are structured, yet informal spaces for California criminal justice funders to learn, collaborate and get organized together. The specific content of this meeting is TBD and will be updated as the date approaches.
Last year, CCJFG hosted a 2-part webinar series focused on local implementation of SB 823 (juvenile justice realignment) which passed in 2021 and will ultimately shutter the California’s Division of Juvenile Justice.