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Foundations effect greater change in the world when their funding decisions are shaped by the people and communities most harmed by inequities. While many funders agree with this notion, there is often a struggle to invest in systems change and to actualize community-centered funding. This session will discuss effective vs. extractive listening practices, provide a framework to implement power-sharing, and highlight lessons learned from regional grantmakers to evolve their practices.
A recent report, Much Alarm, Less Action, from the Center for Effective Philanthropy found that both foundation and nonprofit leaders believe that climate change will negatively affect their work —no matter the issues they focus on. However, less than 2% of all giving went to building climate resilience. Continued climate inaction by the philanthropic sector, will undo existing efforts to address a multitude of societal challenges, particularly those around public health.
The Build Back Better Act has the potential to help the nation grow, as framed by the White House, “from the bottom and middle-out" by providing families with funding for childcare, expanding access to affordable housing, education, and health care, and enforcing tax laws on the extremely wealthy.
Racial equity, diversity, and inclusion (REDI) are increasingly important topics of discussion in institutions but where to begin and how to start operationalizing REDI can be overwhelming. Join this program if you are curious about how to implement REDI in your institution and want to learn how others engage in it from the business, government, nonprofit, and philanthropy sectors.
Since 2020, many funders have embraced new ways of interacting with their nonprofit partners and grappled with how to shift the grantmaking power imbalance. Reporting is no exception. Funders have started to deeply consider grantee partners' work when reporting on their efforts in relationship with the grant dollars they receive.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) have responded quickly and nimbly to ensure Black, Indigenous, and other people of color who have been most impacted have access to timely and accurate information in multiple languages, tests and vaccines, food, internet, and so much more. These organizations are essential partners, trusted by the people they serve, who have taken on public health work that often goes beyond their core missions and programming because their communities need it.
The NCG Funders for Climate Equity network is a collaboration with Smart Growth California and the League of California Community Foundations. We invite funders who are interested in or are already funding at the intersection of climate justice and resilience to join us and to share and provide input as we collectively learn and take action on critical climate justice challenges and opportunities. Discussion topics in the group will focus on intersectional issues relating to climate justice, as well as philanthropic and community-based practices and trends relevant to northern California’s 48-county region. We also welcome topical and tactical feedback from funders as we improve this group.