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NCG Blog
Jan 31, 2023

Grieving Loss + Embodying Solidarity

In the wake of recent violence in Half Moon Bay, Monterey Park, and Memphis I hope you are finding opportunities to collectively grieve and honor the lives of Asian, Latino, and Black community members tragically lost. At NCG we have been sitting with the heaviness of this grief. We extend empathy and solidarity to those who mourn the loss of loved ones and those supporting the injured to heal from these profoundly traumatic acts of violence. 

Jan 19, 2023

It’s Time to Standardize Demographic Data to Advance Equity

For many philanthropic donors, examining the intersection of social impact and racial diversity of the organizations they fund has become important, particularly to ensure organizations reflect the communities they aim to serve. Unfortunately, efforts to collect this data have resulted in a dizzying array of requests, with different questions and categories, that only increases demands on already overburdened nonprofits.

Announcement/Press Release
Jan 17, 2023

NCG Shares Gratitude to Alice Y. Hom for Continued Leadership in the Field

Alice shared that in their NCG tenure, they are most proud of developing and implementing Racial Equity Action Institute (REAI), a multi-sector cohort program for leaders interested in operationalizing racial equity in business, government, nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. Because of their visionary leadership, we created a network of 100+ leaders who are working to move racial equity from theory to practice in their specific sectors.  

NCG Blog
Jan 12, 2023

California Winter Storms

California is experiencing a series of repeated atmospheric river events that are leading to flooding, power outages, and mudslides across much of the state. 

Announcement/Press Release
Dec 23, 2022

Show Up for Humboldt County's Earthquake Response


On December 20, 2022, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit rural Humboldt County in the early morning, followed by over 60 substantial aftershocks.

NCG Blog
Dec 15, 2022

Why We Can't Build a Fire-Resilient Future without Worker Justice

by Davida Sotelo Escobedo and Hannah Wilton, North Bay Jobs with Justice and Occidental Arts & Ecology Center

Navigating the threat of wildfire is an ongoing reality of life in Sonoma County. From 2017 to 2020, fires burned more than 300,000 acres across the county, resulting in devastating losses to ecosystems, homes, communities, and human lives. 

NCG Blog
Dec 14, 2022

Announcing Semiyah Constantino as Digital Engagement Associate

NCG is pleased to welcome a new member to its growing team! Semiyah Constantino (she/her) joins as the Digital Engagement Associate to help with all aspects of communications. Semiyah has experience leading publishing and design, rebranding, and most recently was a Digital Marketing Apprentice at COOP Careers advancing her digital skills. 

Announcement/Press Release
Nov 9, 2022

Call to Action: Paying Our Shuumi Land Tax

In philanthropy, how do we steward resources back to the lands and communities that have experienced historical inequities? While it will not undo centuries of harm, it is a first step toward repair. NCG recognizes that we must move beyond optical land acknowledgments into tangible action. What does it mean to move towards right relationships with Indigenous communities? We are figuring it out.