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Member News
Aug 10, 2019

California Criminal Justice Funders Group Member Spotlight: Akonadi Foundation

by Iris Garcia, Learning and Impact Program Officer, Akonadi Foundation

Member News
Aug 9, 2019

California Criminal Justice Funders Group Welcomes New Committee Members

The California Criminal Justice Funders Group Steering Committee is comprised of powerful and dynamic representatives from various local and statewide foundations and philanthropic institutions. Learn more about the new Committee members, Iris Garcia of Akonadi Foundation and maisha quint of Libra Foundation below. 

Member News
Nov 16, 2017

The Time is Now for Justice Reform In California

By Anuja Mendiratta and Kathryn Snyder, Co-Chairs of the California Criminal Justice Funders Group

Our criminal justice system is broken. It disproportionately impacts and targets communities of color and poor communities, and costs California taxpayers billions a year, money that could otherwise be directed towards more fruitful investments in community development, drug treatment, mental health services, education, and jobs. Our system of mass incarceration does not increase public safety, reduce crime, or bring adequate relief to crime survivors

Member News
Apr 3, 2017

(Un)Common Passion

By Robert K. Ross, MD, President & CEO, The California Endowment

This past week, the award-winning hip hop artist and actor Common went behind the scenes in Southern California to better understand our nation’s prison pipeline, and learn from people whose lives are profoundly affected by it both on the inside and the outside.