2024 Year End Message & Reflections
The 2024 election results put us face to face with the brutal truth of rising fascism in our country and the reality of California’s return to conservative “tough-on-crime” policies. We know the communities that will be most impacted by the regressive and dangerous statewide and national legislation are the same communities that survive the oppression of state violence, criminalization, and incarceration. Our solidarity with grassroots movements for healing and community safety is needed now more than ever.
Meet CCJFG's New Movement Advisors
The California Criminal Justice Funders Group is thrilled to welcome our second cohort of movement advisors.
CCJFG Welcomes New Steering Committee Members
This summer, the California Criminal Justice Funders Group welcomed two new Steering Committee members Krea Gomez (she/they) and Julie Vue (she/they). We're so grateful for their wisdom and guidance. Read the Q&A with both of them here.
2023 Year End Message & Reflections

As 2023 comes to an end, we know that the stakes are high for our movement partners. With the ongoing reality of state violence, backlash from “tough-on-crime” political agendas, and reforms that would undo decades of organizing, California’s grassroots movements for liberation, justice, and safety are as crucial as ever. Now is the time for us to reflect on CCJFG’s contributions to the field of criminal justice philanthropy and recommit to our values of anti-oppression, intersectionality, and trusting the leadership of people directly impacted by criminal-legal systems.
Join CCJFG in Welcoming Our Newest Steering Committee Member!
The California Criminal Justice Funders Group is thrilled to welcome our newest Steering Committee member: Fela Thomas, Senior Program Manager (People Pathway) with San Francisco Foundation (SFF). We have valued Fela’s active participation as a CCJFG member over the past couple of years and are excited to strengthen our collaboration with Fela as a Steering Committee member. Learn more about Fela below!
Statement in Response to Governor Newsom’s Plan re: San Quentin State Prison “Rehabilitation Center”

The California Criminal Justice Funders Group (CCJFG) is an established network of funders and donors that invest in a wide range of system change. We firmly believe that efforts to transform this country’s response to safety, justice, and accountability must be led by those individuals who have been directly impacted by systems of punishment themselves.
Join CCJFG in Welcoming Our Newest Steering Committee Member!
California Criminal Justice Funders Group is honored to welcome ou