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In our shared pursuit of a more equitable future for Northern California, NCG’s community of grantmakers strives to shift philanthropic practice and grow our collective impact. Join us for a workshop, "Maximizing Your NCG Membership in 2024" as we explore the advantages of working with NCG and being an integral part of this dynamic philanthropic community.
We know that using data to inform education policy strategies dramatically increases college access and success in post-secondary education. Many states across the country have set statewide attainment goals, and we can now learn from those case studies. In partnership with Philanthropy California, we invite you to learn about statewide and national education policy efforts that have increased educational attainment and completion for California’s most vulnerable student populations.
Dual enrollment, also known as concurrent enrollment, allows students to take college classes while still in high school. This can expand the course offerings available to high school students (from vocational pathways to advanced classes), increase postsecondary enrollment, and decrease the time and cost of postsecondary certificates and degrees.
Events From The Field
The places we call home, their streets, smells, sounds, and sights, shape our opportunity for a fair shot at a long and healthy life. I grew up in the shadows of greatness, in the city of pride and purpose, Richmond, California. During WWII, it was a busy port between San Francisco and Sacramento, home to the Kaiser shipyards.
Our nonprofit ecosystem is the backbone of our philanthropic work and efforts to build thriving communities. We rely on nonprofits to drive solutions and carry the weight of justice. In turn, how can the philanthropic sector support our nonprofits in this time?
This third session of the Foundations of Racial Equity Series focuses on the importance of healing justice as a strategy, framework, and way of being within philanthropic institutions. The session will focus on internal organizational practices and external opportunities for philanthropy to resource healing justice strategies.