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Dual Enrollment's Opportunity for K-12, Workforce Development, and Postsecondary Success

Dual enrollment, also known as concurrent enrollment, allows students to take college classes while still in high school. This can expand the course offerings available to high school students (from vocational pathways to advanced classes), increase postsecondary enrollment, and decrease the time and cost of postsecondary certificates and degrees.

This virtual session will cover the history of dual enrollment and new state funding sources. Participants will hear from K-12 and community college school leaders who are using DE to drive equity and enrollment, and the remaining scale and implementation barriers they face.


  • Lawton Gray, Principal, John Muir High School Early College Magnet
  • Barry Gribbons President, L.A. Valley College
  • Dr. Christopher Nellum, Executive Director, The Education Trust–West

Maureen Carew

Senior Program Officer

Kelly King

Senior Program Officer
Philanthropy California
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