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At this year’s Corporate Philanthropy Institute, we’ll explore what it means to create a new pathway and build new standards. We’ll highlight the pressures (both external and internal), offer context under which we’re doing our work today, share replicable strategies, provide tools for you to take back home to your company, and most importantly, offer space to be with others in the field wrestling with and seeking answers.
Our nonprofit ecosystem is the backbone of our philanthropic work and efforts to build thriving communities. We rely on nonprofits to drive solutions and carry the weight of justice. In turn, how can the philanthropic sector support our nonprofits in this time?
As Californians, we know that our own well-being is tied to everyone else’s. California’s Immigrant Resilience Fund is making headlines demonstrating that we are standing together to make sure each and every one of us—native and newcomer—has resources to prevail through the outbreak. No one stands alone. We are one beloved community. Kathleen Kelly Janus, Senior Advisor to the Governor, and Daranee Petsod of Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees joined NCG’s Emily Katz to explain how the fund came to be, some surprising new supporters, and what it means to have a ‘Si Se Puede’ moment (Yes, We Can!)
Are you new to trust-based philanthropy? Are you curious about what it is, what it looks like, and how to implement it? Would you like to engage with fellow colleagues in the same position in a small-group setting? Join The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project for TBP 101.
Northern California Grantmakers' office is in San Francsico, CA and hosts events all over the Bay Area. The NCG team works in a hybrid environment.
The 2023 edition of the NCG Annual Conference was powerful on so many levels. We had 411 folks represent the complete diversity of philanthropy and their nonprofit allies. The theme – mapping a collective future – held deep resonance with participants, and the content received high marks throughout the day.
NCG’s membership is made up of grantmaking organizations, government agencies, philanthropic partner organizations and individual consultants, donor advisors and donors. We have over 200 organizations in our membership, representing $3.5 billion of funding in Northern California.