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We can only act on what we can imagine. As philanthropy is called to meet this moment, we need to expand our imagination. How do we not imagine philanthropy as it is, but what it could be at its best? Within philanthropy we need practices, tools, and ways of being that are in service to resourcing freedom and equity. As those mobilizing resources, we must stay steadfast in imagining and co-creating generative pathways to a more equitable future. At NCG's 2024 Annual Conference, we will offer space to conspire, imagine, and act on ushering in new possibilities.
Communities across the country – especially those continuing to struggle with economic and health impacts from the pandemic – are hoping to access part of the billions of dollars in economic recovery dollars deployed to support economic recovery. However, it is groups disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, including rural, historically underserved, and BIPOC communities, that need to secure the funding that will have a generational impact on community climate resilience, public health, and other crucial systems.
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project is pleased to announce a six-part webinar series addressing common questions, clarifying misconceptions, and exploring ways to overcome obstacles in implementing trust-based philanthropy.
NCG is pleased to share that Viridiana (Viry) Romero (she/her) is joining the team as the first-ever Manager of Strategic Initiatives. Viridiana is no stranger to the field and brings a breadth of experience from the nonprofit, philanthropic, and private sectors.
CCJFG Membership Meetings are structured, yet informal spaces for California criminal justice funders to learn, collaborate and get organized together. The specific content of this meeting is TBD and will be updated as the date approaches.
Last year, CCJFG hosted a 2-part webinar series focused on local implementation of SB 823 (juvenile justice realignment) which passed in 2021 and will ultimately shutter the California’s Division of Juvenile Justice.
Thank you, Marcus and Dwayne, and Cathy and Dimple, for your courageous leadership. And Dimple, thank you for inviting me into the conversation to answer "What exactly holds us back from making more dramatic transformations in our philanthropy?" I’m humbled to be a part of it. I propose that what holds us back from making more dramatic transformations in philanthropy are three beliefs that we inherit and internalize from white supremacist culture.