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A radically conservative Supreme Court has shaken the country by stripping away long-settled rights and overturning legal precedent. This didn’t happen overnight. What is happening is the result of a decades-long campaign by the conservative legal movement to build a well-resourced network of lawyers, law professors, and judges. And now they are reaping the fruits of their labor. Can the conservative legal movement be stopped?
This panel will explore the nuances of what it takes to truly transform government practices to address institutional and structural racism, strengthen democracy, and advance racial equity.
NCG is excited to share that Victoria Rodarte (she/her) is joining the team as its first-ever Senior Democracy Fellow beginning March 27th. Victoria brings direct experience in mobilizing resources for a strong democracy, immigrant legal services, and interning for political campaigns
Join us in welcoming Gina Peralta to the CCJFG Steering Committee! Gina Peralta is a program officer with the Human Rights program at the Heising-Simons Foundation. Prior to joining the Foundation in 2019, Gina served as the director of site management at The W. Haywood Burns Institute (the Burns Institute), a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing racial and ethnic equity in the justice system by creating community-based alternatives to system involvement.
Northern California Grantmakers (NCG) and Funders Together to End Homelessness (FTEH) are pleased to announce the Bay Area Homelessness Funders Network (BAHFN). We are joining forces to advance racial equity and coordinate across the region to prevent and end homelessness in the Bay Area by creating a space to connect and facilitate action. The network draws on NCG’s expertise in bringing philanthropy together to build healthy, thriving, and just communities and FTEH’s work mobilizing philanthropy in using its influence, expertise, and voice to advance lasting solutions to end homelessness, including addressing structural and racial inequities.
As we continue to learn more about the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action, there are many unanswered questions regarding the broad reach of this decision on higher education and other sectors. Join us to hear from education leaders who are learning and responding to this decision.
NCG has launched a two-part event series in partnership with Mother Jones. Part 1 introduced funders to the role that nonprofit news outlets play in shaping a healthy democracy. Part 2 will follow-up with a deep dive into how historically marginalized communities are targeted with strategic disinformation campaigns and what local journalism can do to address it.