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Rising sea levels due to climate change have put people, the natural and built environment at severe
risk not only on the California coast, but throughout the state. Flooding affects housing and
transportation infrastructure and rising groundwater releases buried toxics, with disproportionately
impacting low-income communities of color bearing the greatest burden. The price tag to mitigate
these dangers to community and economic wellbeing are staggering, with over $110 Billion projected
for the Bay Area alone.
Our democratic systems are deeply entwined with disaster resilience. On the eve of consequential presidential and local elections, the question of what role democracy plays in disasters, and what role the response to disasters plays in undermining or strengthening democracy, has never been more important. Funders should consider the role a strong and functional democracy plays in the ability for communities to self-determine what resilience to disasters looks like for their communities, have adequate and culturally appropriate resources to respond when disasters occur, and have the power to demand equitable recoveries.
We will explore the ABFE approach to grantmaking with a racial equity lens. ABFE's framework, analysis, and tools provide opportunities for grantmakers to support Black communities, and, more broadly, our greater society. ABFE has created a set of tools that reduce gaps in racial disparities facing Blacks in the United States. By centering systemic anti-Black racism within an intersectional framework through which we understand the social, economic, historical, and cultural dimensions of human life, we can conduct grantmaking practices that address inequities across communities.
This program is presented through a partnership between Philanthropy California and the California Office of Emergency Services and is funded by the Listos California Grant Program.
This virtual grant writing training takes an in-depth look at how to describe community needs, a step that is very often required to complete a grant proposal. The good news is that you and your organization already know your community and its needs!
This anthology archives and documents the cultural memory of health, healing, care and safety practices led by BIPOC, Queer, Trans, migrant, femme, women, sick and disabled communities; and frames these practices as both an organizing and bridge building tool. Page, Woodland and their collaborators demonstrate the connection between healing justice and abolition—in order to build a world without prisons, policing, and criminalization, we need to develop (and fund) long-term infrastructure for health, healing and collective care and safety led by the community.
The personal is political. These past two years have made that abundantly clear. NCG’s Leadership, Culture, and Community team also knows that the professional is often deeply personal.
As funders and concerned community members, we have the ability – and the responsibility – to direct more resources to local organizations that are fortifying our democracy from the ground up.