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Stories of companies retreating from targeted programs, rebranding programs, changing messaging, or taking a “quiet action” approach due to fear of backlash abound in the field. While companies are working to meet the unique needs of communities with their philanthropic efforts, this fear is directly impacting corporate philanthropy and CSR efforts.
In our shared pursuit of a more equitable future for Northern California, NCG’s community of grantmakers strives to shift philanthropic practice and grow our collective impact. Join us for a workshop, "Maximizing Your NCG Membership in 2024" as we explore the advantages of working with NCG and being an integral part of this dynamic philanthropic community.
Over the next 20 years in the U.S., $35–70 trillion in wealth will transfer from one generation to another in the largest generational wealth transfer in history, mostly moving within wealthy white families. The policies that make possible this protection and accumulation of wealth are situated within the legacy of land theft, genocide of Native people, enslavement of Black people, and exploitation of natural resources. This context of racial capitalism has also given rise to wealth accumulation that, in part, birthed the philanthropic sector. Paradoxically, many of us working within philanthropy aim to contribute to changes in systems, structures, and outcomes that address the harms of interconnected systems like racial capitalism that favor some at the expense of others and the planet.
Foundations effect greater change in the world when their funding decisions are shaped by the people and communities most harmed by inequities. While many funders agree with this notion, there is often a struggle to invest in systems change and to actualize community-centered funding. This session will discuss effective vs. extractive listening practices, provide a framework to implement power-sharing, and highlight lessons learned from regional grantmakers to evolve their practices.
Imagine an East Oakland where Black children and families are not only surviving but flourishing. In this vibrant and inclusive community, every individual can reach their full potential and contribute to the greater good. RiseEast is a 10-year collective effort to make deep and lasting improvements in the well- being of Black children and families in East Oakland, with initiatives that are direct reflections of the hopes and needs of the people who live here.
New organizations emerged in response to COVID-19, 2020’s racial reckoning, and to meet the rising needs and service gaps in communities. Many of these organizations are led by BIPOC leaders, have small budgets, small teams, and are often fiscally sponsored. What do these emerging organizations need for long term sustainability? How can funders support these organizations?
Our democratic systems are deeply entwined with disaster resilience. On the eve of consequential presidential and local elections, the question of what role democracy plays in disasters, and what role the response to disasters plays in undermining or strengthening democracy, has never been more important. Funders should consider the role a strong and functional democracy plays in the ability for communities to self-determine what resilience to disasters looks like for their communities, have adequate and culturally appropriate resources to respond when disasters occur, and have the power to demand equitable recoveries.