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For funders seeking to incorporate an equity lens throughout their work (and not just their grantmaking), there are many opportunities to shift internal operations towards more equitable and values-aligned practices. Yet while many families recognize the desire to make these shifts, they need further guidance around the specific decisions and considerations that will advance their philanthropy towards a more equitable future. In this webinar, learn strategies for how to operationalize an equity lens throughout your entire organization.
As we look toward this year’s general election, the escalating negative political rhetoric is once again targeting the issues affecting people most marginalized in this country: transgender rights, reproductive autonomy, immigration, just to name a few. History has shown that these attacks are not new; they are a political ploy to stoke distrust and division during a critical election year while creating backlash against progressive wins. States and local jurisdictions across the country are passing bills to roll back progress on our civil liberties.
Young people are fired up! They see injustices in their communities and existential threats to their futures - a severe housing and homelessness crisis, inflation and stagnant wages, democracy under threat and a loss of rights, and extreme climate impacts - all of which are felt disproportionately by Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other people of color communities.
Dual enrollment, also known as concurrent enrollment, allows students to take college classes while still in high school. This can expand the course offerings available to high school students (from vocational pathways to advanced classes), increase postsecondary enrollment, and decrease the time and cost of postsecondary certificates and degrees.
Part briefing, part rallying cry, this hour-long conversation in partnership with the Women's Foundation of California will examine what comes next in California as we continue to chart a path towards reproductive justice together.
In this fourth session of the Foundations of Racial Equity series, we will deepen our understanding and awareness of how our identities impact our work. We will practice discussing experiences of identity, which is out of pattern for most workplaces. In the two modules of this session, participants will engage in conversation and activities to link their identity to their experience of culture and operations within their organizations.
State policy plays a powerful role in shaping the opportunities and challenges facing our communities, yet not everyone’s voice is heard at the ballot box. This webinar equips nonprofits and funders with the tools to change that. How can we help overcome barriers to civic engagement and mobilize every Californian to vote for a more vibrant future?