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CCJFG Membership Meetings are structured, yet informal spaces for California criminal justice funders to learn, collaborate and get organized together. The specific content of this meeting is TBD and will be updated as the date approaches. Please contact [email protected] with suggestions for topics.
We're thrilled to share that we are expanding NCG's capacity around climate and disaster resilience. Katie Oran (she/her) has joined NCG as its first-ever Climate and Disaster Resilience Fellow playing a central role in supporting the development of regional and statewide strategies. Katie brings experience in climate adaption, disaster response, land use planning, climate justice organizing, and wildfire mitigation.
The report findings illustrate the importance of centering the leadership of formerly-incarcerated people, as well as the need for well-designed fellowships, as an integral part of advancing the movements for social and criminal justice reform.
To support philanthropy in the midterm elections, NCG committed to:
Last year, CCJFG hosted a 2-part webinar series focused on local implementation of SB 823 (juvenile justice realignment) which passed in 2021 and will ultimately shutter the California’s Division of Juvenile Justice.
Yesterday was a blur. Immediately after we finally hit “send” on the announcement of my departure from NCG to become the CEO of Fenway Health in Boston I was besieged with good wishes via email and text and social media. It felt good. But tonight, as I sit in my living room reflecting on the day, I am feeling some sadness. I am really, really going to miss all of you
Philanthropy California (Philanthropy CA) is an initiative of Northern California Grantmakers (NCG), SoCal Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties. Our combined membership represents more than 600 foundations, corporate funders, philanthropic individuals and families, giving circles, and government agencies investing billions every year to support communities across the state, the country, and worldwide. Learn more about our alliance.