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Thank you, Dwayne, Marcus, Cathy, Dimple and Ed, for your thoughtful and inspiring answers to questions that challenge our thinking! Ed, I appreciate the hand off, and the question: How do we bridge the gap that often exists between rhetoric and action within our institutions?
You can find all speaker resources from #CPI2023 here.
The California Criminal Justice Funders Group (CCJFG) is an established network of funders and donors that invest in a wide range of system change. We firmly believe that efforts to transform this country’s response to safety, justice, and accountability must be led by those individuals who have been directly impacted by systems of punishment themselves.
Join NCG and your philanthropy peers for a lightly structured conversation over lunch to reflect
on what the 2024 election might mean for climate & disaster resilience in Northern California,
statewide, and at the national scale.
Looking ahead, Philanthropy California is hosting a virtual funder briefing to assess the state of policy nearing the first 100 days of the new presidential administration. Regardless of who is in office, we must be prepared to engage with a different makeup of government that will bring unique sets of challenges and possibilities.
The California Criminal Justice Funders Group is pleased to share our first-of-its-kind report Funding the Future: Fellowships for Formerly-Incarcerated People in California.
CCJFG is excited to share the second episode of our Funding the Yes podcast on Crimmigration. Funding the Yes asks the question: What does funding the yes look like within intersectional aspects of social and racial justice movements? Through conversations amongst funders and movement partners, we focus on strategies to fund building a more just future for our communities and ending systems of injustice.