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Thank you, Marcus and Dwayne, and Cathy and Dimple, for your courageous leadership. And Dimple, thank you for inviting me into the conversation to answer "What exactly holds us back from making more dramatic transformations in our philanthropy?" I’m humbled to be a part of it. I propose that what holds us back from making more dramatic transformations in philanthropy are three beliefs that we inherit and internalize from white supremacist culture.
To support philanthropy in the midterm elections, NCG committed to:
In philanthropy, how do we steward resources back to the lands and communities that have experienced historical inequities? While it will not undo centuries of harm, it is a first step toward repair. NCG recognizes that we must move beyond optical land acknowledgments into tangible action. What does it mean to move towards right relationships with Indigenous communities? We are figuring it out.
CCJFG’s Steering Committee recently engaged in a process to identify values and commitments to guide our work. We invite CCJFG members to review the following values, and the commitments they represent, and join us in embodying and striving towards these values from whatever current location and perspective you may hold.
Youth climate movements around the world have fundamentally changed the narrative around climate action – from youth Climate Strikes, to climate organizing in schools across the Bay Area, to Sunrise Movement laying the ground work for the (green)new deal era policies like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, to students on college campuses demanding their universities divest from fossil fuels we live in a world that is made better as a result of youth activism.
California Criminal Justice Funders Group is honored to welcome our newest Steering Committee members: Sergio Cuellar, Roger Perez, and Jasjit Singh. We are grateful for their experience and guidance in our work. Learn more about their work and lives below.
NCG's Policy Committee advocates for smart, effective policies to advance shared impact goals.