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Through Northern California Grantmakers’ Racial Equity Action Institute (REAI), participants will gain knowledge, lessons, and tools for developing actionable strategies in their institutions to advance racial equity with field experts and each other. One sector on its own cannot solve the challenges of racial inequities. Our cohort learning program connects specialists in racial equity from philanthropy, business, government, and nonprofits. By deepening our relationships and the connectivity of those in our ecosystem who are committed to change and justice, so much is possible.
The multiple polycrises of our time continue to disproportionately impact trans, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary communities of color.
We will explore the ABFE approach to grantmaking with a racial equity lens. ABFE's framework, analysis, and tools provide opportunities for grantmakers to support Black communities, and, more broadly, our greater society. ABFE has created a set of tools that reduce gaps in racial disparities facing Blacks in the United States. By centering systemic anti-Black racism within an intersectional framework through which we understand the social, economic, historical, and cultural dimensions of human life, we can conduct grantmaking practices that address inequities across communities.
NCG's New Grantmakers Institute helps build your understanding of best practices for ethical and effective grantmaking and helps you find your place in the sector’s ecosystem you are now a part of. Learn more here.
Many voices in philanthropy are speaking up, some for the first time, about the protests, the killings, and the structural racism behind them. We welcome all-comers and stand in our belief in Black, Indigenous, and communities of color as defenders of democratic ideals. We too are grieving and angry; structural and anti-Black racism are root causes of wealth, health, employment, and education disparities. The enforcement of racist policies is putting Black and Brown lives at the mercy of the pandemic and police brutality’s deadly toll.
We can only act on what we can imagine. As philanthropy is called to meet this moment, we need to expand our imagination. How do we not imagine philanthropy as it is, but what it could be at its best? Within philanthropy we need practices, tools, and ways of being that are in service to resourcing freedom and equity. As those mobilizing resources, we must stay steadfast in imagining and co-creating generative pathways to a more equitable future. At NCG's 2024 Annual Conference, we will offer space to conspire, imagine, and act on ushering in new possibilities.
Anti-Black racism and white supremacy are embedded in philanthropy and in our institutions, often invisible to the majority of us, even as we work with intention towards equity and justice. As change agents within philanthropy, we are stretching to become our best selves, rise to the moment, and progress toward racial equity.