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The magnitude of the current social context requires us to recalibrate and accelerate change. NCG works to engage with members so for philanthropy can make the most of its influence. You can engage with us in the following ways:
Dear What is The Role of Philanthropy in Supporting Power-Building, I’m so glad you asked this question! We know that cutting checks alone won’t realize justice. At the San Francisco Foundation, we define power-building as "the strategic act of shifting power away from historically oppressive systems and towards a new center of gravity that advances authentic democracy, redistribution, and reparation.”
In our shared pursuit of a more equitable future for Northern California, NCG’s community of grantmakers strives to shift philanthropic practice and grow our collective impact. Join us for a workshop, "Maximizing Your NCG Membership in 2024" as we explore the advantages of working with NCG and being an integral part of this dynamic philanthropic community.
With the 2024 election upon us, we see the Valley made more vulnerable in a democracy hanging by a thread for the very same people that make the Valley a dynamic place. To give visibility to the multiracial richness and need for active civic engagement, the James B. McClatchy Foundation is ensuring the Central Valley is seen by fortifying the pillars of local journalism and democracy, particularly as we immerse ourselves "all in" during this election year.
NCG's Racial Equity Action Institute centers racial equity with an intersectional framework that recognizes the ways race is shaped and informed by class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Learn more about the annual cohort and how to apply here.
Join us for a hybrid grant writing training taking place in Fresno on November 19 to learn about pursuing grant funds to support your organization’s vision and values. An emphasis will be building organizational capacity to address climate resilience initiatives.
It is a tremendous privilege to work with the philanthropic sector. Our member community is made up of 217 members and more than 3,500 individuals – just imagine the impact of the power, influence, and potential we can have.