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Northern California Grantmakers recognizes we are witnessing a key moment in the history between Palestine and Israel. The violence is not occurring in a vacuum and this moment requires us to deepen our analysis. The fear, heartbreak, and trauma surrounding this crisis is generational, deeply polarizing, and challenges finding a resolution. NCG is here to support philanthropy in finding its voice as we and many others in the sector are struggling to do so. The clearest immediate actions philanthropy can take are to learn, use its institutional voice to prevent further violence, and provide resources that support humanitarian aid.
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Re-imagining an equitable region is core to NCG’s Equitable Recovery framework. Rather than a return to what once was, can we disrupt, re-imagine, and restructure what’s possible? Kim Williams, Hub Manager at Sacramento Building Healthy Communities (Sacramento BHC, a part of The California Endowment's Building Health Communities 10-year plan) spoke with Crispin Delgado NCG's Public Policy Director, about where philanthropy can continue to step in, how to take a community-centered approach, and why movement-building needs to be at the center. Read the full conversation below!
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The California Criminal Justice Funders Group (CCJFG) is an established network of funders and donors that invest in a wide range of system change. We firmly believe that efforts to transform this country’s response to safety, justice, and accountability must be led by those individuals who have been directly impacted by systems of punishment themselves.
Movement and nonprofit partners are our best defense against repressive policies that directly impact communities on the ground. As we depend on them to lead us in these fights, the collective resilience of the nonprofit workforce must be a sector-wide priority. The support for talent justice in the nonprofit sector is growing. Initiatives at The Walter & Elise Haas Fund, ReWork the Bay, Fund the People, and the James Irvine Foundation are investing in the long-term sustainability, agency, and belonging for nonprofit workers.
Each year, NCG's three annual events bring together thousands NCG members and partners from the sector and all over Northern California. As a potential sponsor, you can choose which type of sponsorship is best for you and your organization.