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Partners can join as NCG Members. Membership is organization-wide: your entire staff and board receive member privileges. Membership is for one calendar year. You may arrange to pay on a different fiscal year schedule.
Grantmaker Memberships are organization-wide: your entire staff and board receive member privileges. Membership is for one calendar year. You may arrange to pay on a different fiscal year schedule.
The NCG Team
Each year, NCG's three annual events bring together thousands NCG members and partners from the sector and all over Northern California. As a potential sponsor, you can choose which type of sponsorship is best for you and your organization.
To support philanthropy in the midterm elections, NCG committed to:
The Bay Area Homelessness Funders Network provides philanthropy a space for strategic thinking and intersectional opportunities for collective action. Learn more about engaging with the network here.
Learn more about the Corporate Philanthropy Network here.