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You can access all reports, resources, and access to webinars by the California Criminal Justice Funders Group below.
Founded in 2014, the California Criminal Justice Funders Group (CCJFG) is an established network of funders and donors that invest in a wide range of systems change. CCJFG engages funders from their current location and perspective and supports them to transform learning into collective action.
Launched in 2019, the Youth Power Fund is a network of foundations and individual donors committed to creating more equitable, just, and effective social, economic, and political systems in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area.
Northern California Grantmakers is an association of great people doing great work. Northern California Grantmakers welcomes people across the field of philanthropy into our community of doers, learners, activists, and changemakers eager to make a difference
According to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, philanthropy invests most of its dollars immediately following a disaster, when media attention is at its peak. However, less than 10% of our philanthropic dollars go toward reducing hazard risk and preparing our communities for disasters.
NCG's Racial Equity Action Institute centers racial equity with an intersectional framework that recognizes the ways race is shaped and informed by class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Learn more about the annual cohort and how to apply here.