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California Criminal Justice Funders Group is honored to welcome our newest Steering Committee members: Sergio Cuellar, Roger Perez, and Jasjit Singh. We are grateful for their experience and guidance in our work. Learn more about their work and lives below.
One of the biggest challenges is knowing how much to pivot to meet the myriad challenges emerging. For our part, as your regional resource for effective philanthropic practice, we are adopting a grounded yet flexible approach – staying true to the priorities that we have elevated as a community over the past three years, but finding partners and allies who can help us with emergent crises.
CCJFG’s Steering Committee recently engaged in a process to identify values and commitments to guide our work. We invite CCJFG members to review the following values, and the commitments they represent, and join us in embodying and striving towards these values from whatever current location and perspective you may hold.
Dear CCJFG Member, 2021 is a year of continued challenge, uncertainty and possibility. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact those incarcerated in abhorrent conditions, while also fueling an economic crisis that disproportionately affects Black, indigenous, and other people of color. We continue to bear witness to the failings of the criminal legal system as a tool for justice and accountability.
CCJFG is excited to share the second episode of our Funding the Yes podcast on Crimmigration. Funding the Yes asks the question: What does funding the yes look like within intersectional aspects of social and racial justice movements? Through conversations amongst funders and movement partners, we focus on strategies to fund building a more just future for our communities and ending systems of injustice.
Alice shared that in their NCG tenure, they are most proud of developing and implementing Racial Equity Action Institute (REAI), a multi-sector cohort program for leaders interested in operationalizing racial equity in business, government, nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. Because of their visionary leadership, we created a network of 100+ leaders who are working to move racial equity from theory to practice in their specific sectors.
November’s presidential election results will have pulled the United States back from the brink of authoritarianism. After we’ve taken a moment to celebrate our achievement and rejuvenate, there comes the challenge of plotting a course forward. Because there’s no going back to some imagined normalcy. Many consequences of Trump’s presidency – cult of strongman personality, capture and erosion of the courts and other democratic institutions, normalization of misogyny and white nationalism, consolidation of Christian Right power, mobilization of vigilantes, enrichment of oligarchs, rise of a media disinformation infrastructure – will not be so easily undone.