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Confronting and transforming the devastating harm of a planet in crisis along with the ongoing reckoning of persistent deep inequities stands as The Work of our time. Many of us feel a blend of overwhelm, unknowing, and grief - perhaps even guilt and anxiety - that may drive paralysis.
This program is presented through a partnership between Philanthropy California and the California Office of Emergency Services and is funded by the Listos California Grant Program.
This virtual grant writing training takes an in-depth look at how to describe community needs, a step that is very often required to complete a grant proposal. The good news is that you and your organization already know your community and its needs!
This sixth and final session of the Foundations of Racial Equity series explores Equity in the Center's “Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture” publication and framework. Equity in the Center’s research is designed to support leaders as they build and expand their organization’s capacity to advance race equity and transform their culture. In these modules, we’ll engage in a critical conversation on the cases, tactics, and tools that will drive action to combat structural racism in the philanthropic and nonprofit sector.
Pathways to Housing Justice: A 3-Part Series on Intersectional Solutions
We all deserve a decent place to live. It’s a matter of basic justice and a measure of who we are as a community. Having a stable, affordable home impacts our health, ability to find and keep a job, success at school, and connection to our communities. Our whole community does better when everyone has good, safe housing.
Envision a future where every community in Northern California flourishes, where shared prosperity becomes a reality. Our region, celebrated for its diversity and innovation, stands at the forefront of social progress and economic vitality. Yet, amidst this vibrant tapestry, many individuals—particularly Black, Indigenous, and other people of color—struggle to sustain themselves in the communities they call home.
Pathways to Housing Justice: A 3-Part Series on Intersectional Solutions
We all deserve a decent place to live. It’s a matter of basic justice and a measure of who we are as a community. Having a stable, affordable home impacts our health, ability to find and keep a job, success at school, and connection to our communities. Our whole community does better when everyone has good, safe housing.
Our nonprofit ecosystem is the backbone of our philanthropic work and efforts to build thriving communities. We rely on nonprofits to drive solutions and carry the weight of justice. In turn, how can the philanthropic sector support our nonprofits in this time?