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Time to Act: Applying Universal Values and Rigor in Equity-Centered Philanthropic Practice

Confronting and transforming the devastating harm of a planet in crisis along with the ongoing reckoning of persistent deep inequities stands as The Work of our time. Many of us feel a blend of overwhelm, unknowing, and grief - perhaps even guilt and anxiety - that may drive paralysis. Philanthropic investments in Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color-led efforts to revitalize our economy, enliven democracy, and heal our planet can be among our generation’s most brilliant legacies. The actions we'll discuss are some of the core competencies mentioned in Get It Right: 5 Shifts Philanthropy Must Make Toward an Equitable Region. The shifts put forth in the report are not necessarily new, but they underscore the basic tenets of the changes that philanthropy needs to make to eliminate inequitable structures, policies, and practices and advance opportunities to generate security, healing, and new possibilities for those currently living on the margins.

Join us to find out what you, as a philanthropic leader, can do to advance them.

Our Call to Action:

  1. For the sake of our collective future, all philanthropic funders can address the systemic ways in which intersecting crises affect health, food systems, democracy, human rights, economic opportunity, and ecological vitality. There are extraordinary opportunities to make large-scale and transformative change.
  2. Philanthropy has resources and networks to offer, especially to communities experiencing the greatest harm and the social movements and trusted, capable leaders already walking the path toward a more promising future.
  3. Effective philanthropic practice is both a moral and practical imperative if we are to halt and respond to the ongoing impacts of structural racism, pandemic disease, and the climate crisis; stop climate pollution; and revitalize strategies that support us to live in harmony with nature.

Target Audience

This event is for foundation CEOs, board members, and trustees; individual donors giving directly or through donor advised funds or giving circles; and others involved in governance and decision-making around policy and resource allocation (e.g., Vice President of Programs and similar).


NCG requires that every person attending or participating in events be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and its variants, including any boosters recommended by the FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Proof of vaccinations must be provided. To learn more about NCG'S COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols for in-person events, please click here.

Can't attend but want to learn more? Contact the team at [email protected]

Armando Castellano


Allison Magee

Executive Director

Dwayne S. Marsh

President & CEO
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