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In the last week, a series of devastating wildfires associated with an extreme wind event swept through Southern California, prompting swift action from local, state, and federal authorities. Thousands of structures have been affected, over 200,000 residents have been displaced, and at least 24 civilians have lost their lives. Government officials, including Governor Gavin Newsom, issued emergency declarations as the fires intensified, allowing for the rapid deployment of resources to protect lives, property, and critical infrastructure. These declarations were followed by a major presidential disaster declaration, signed by President Biden within days of the fires' peak intensity.
Young people are fired up! They see injustices in their communities and existential threats to their futures - a severe housing and homelessness crisis, inflation and stagnant wages, democracy under threat and a loss of rights, and extreme climate impacts - all of which are felt disproportionately by Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other people of color communities.
As we continue to learn more about the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action, there are many unanswered questions regarding the broad reach of this decision on higher education and other sectors. Join us to hear from education leaders who are learning and responding to this decision.
Join us on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at The California Endowment offices in Los Angeles for a special convening on how philanthropy can collectively support housing justice for all California's communities.
Confronting and transforming the devastating harm of a planet in crisis along with the ongoing reckoning of persistent deep inequities stands as The Work of our time. Many of us feel a blend of overwhelm, unknowing, and grief - perhaps even guilt and anxiety - that may drive paralysis.
Navigating philanthropy requires more than a deep understanding on how to use equitable grantmaking practices, it requires a holistic approach. New Grantmakers Institute (NGI) supports new grantmakers to sharpen their analysis on the role of philanthropy in social change movements, root into their purpose and work towards impact, and cultivate a sense of belonging, in their institutions and the field at large.
If you're new to philanthropy, or interested in sharpening your skills, the New Grantmakers Institute (NGI): Grantmaking for the 21st Century, helps build your understanding of best practices for ethical and effective grantmaking and helps you place yourself within the ecosystem that you are now a part of.