Introducing the Generational Recovery Fund

Investing in youth to successfully navigate their recovery from the harms of COVID-19 is a key principle of NCG’s Equitable Recovery Framework. We must be bold in our actions today so this deeply impacted generation can emerge from the pandemic with healthy identity, joy, and empowerment; increased knowledge and skills for transformative action; and on a path for career success and a self-sufficient future.
This summer, Northern California Grantmakers began supporting the work of the Generational Recovery Fund (GRF), a pooled fund dedicated to the recovery of Bay Area youth, with a focus on supporting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color youth. The GRF will serve Bay Area counties for 5 years, using a participatory grantmaking model that includes youth as co-designers and decision makers. We are thrilled to announce its first round of grants, which will distribute $1.5 million to fifteen youth-serving nonprofits in San Francisco.
Centered on Youth
It is important to us that the GRF not only invests in youth, but also that it centers on youth at every turn. Youth voices guided the creation of the GRF in April 2021, highlighting their needs beginning in those first weeks of California’s initial shelter-in-place order. Youth co-designed the pillars and priorities for the Generational Recovery Fund’s first round of grants. Alongside other community members, youth nominated organizations for potential grants, joined panels to provide direction on grantmaking, and worked alongside adults in making final decisions.