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Investing in the Long Arc of Justice: Post-Election Convening

The Long Arc of Justice


Health & Safety Protocols


  • NCG requires that every person attending or participating in events be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and its variants. All attendees must be optimally vaccinated with the initial booster recommended by the FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • You can read more about the protocols by clicking the link below

Safety Protocols



  • Conference center facilities are designed to include the full participation and enjoyment of people with physical disabilities as well as those who are not fluent in English.
  • Meeting rooms and restrooms are wheelchair accessible. A list of recommended interpreters for most commonly used languages in California is available upon request.
  • At The Center for Healthy Communities Los Angeles and Sacramento, assisted listening devices are available for the deaf and hearing impaired, and simultaneous interpretation equipment is available in some rooms