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Many voices in philanthropy are speaking up, some for the first time, about the protests, the killings, and the structural racism behind them. We welcome all-comers and stand in our belief in Black, Indigenous, and communities of color as defenders of democratic ideals. We too are grieving and angry; structural and anti-Black racism are root causes of wealth, health, employment, and education disparities. The enforcement of racist policies is putting Black and Brown lives at the mercy of the pandemic and police brutality’s deadly toll.
The personal is political. These past two years have made that abundantly clear. NCG’s Leadership, Culture, and Community team also knows that the professional is often deeply personal.
We all have felt the impact of heat waves this summer, but the costs and stakes are different across communities and neighborhoods in California. While temperatures rise in California, so do extreme heat illnesses and heat mortality. Those most impacted are unlikely to live in cooler coastal communities, or have access to air-conditioned homes.
Join Philanthropy California and Nonprofit Finance Fund for the launch of our Resourcing Resilience Report. As Californians grapple with the escalating impacts of climate change, it is clear that the path towards resilience lies in supporting the communities on the frontline. The Resourcing Resilience Report arrives at a pivotal moment as climate change continues to disproportionately affect vulnerable communities and communities of color—those who often bear the brunt of extreme weather events, extractive industry, and environmental degradation.
Philanthropy California is reviving our Sacramento Advocacy Day, back in-person since 2019! This convening is a unique opportunity to connect policymakers and philanthropy across the State and emphasize the importance of cross-sector collaboration. Join us April 1 & 2, 2025 at the State Capitol for a day and a half of programming and legislative meetings for opportunities to partner together on critical issues impacting our state as we welcome a new Congress and representatives.
Large-scale civic infrastructure projects implemented during urban renewal caused generational harm to communities of color. Now cities have the chance to reimagine their neighborhoods and repair this harm with equitable, resident-led comprehensive community development strategies. When these projects come up, longtime residents and the communities who suffered most from past projects must be at the forefront leading the vision for their neighborhoods, grounded in racial equity.
Join community, philanthropic, and public sector changemakers in a discussion about the racial and economic justice opportunities in East Contra Costa County and a community-centered philanthropic collaborative activating leadership development, narrative change, and public and philanthropic investment in the region.