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In the aftermath of the study and catastrophic flooding following 13 consecutive atmospheric rivers across the San Joaquin Valley, an idea and partnership emerged. Read more below to hear about what worked, what didn’t, and where progress and investments are shifting in the Valley.
In Get It Right: 5 Shifts Philanthropy Must Make Toward an Equitable Region, we've highlighted 5 case studies from regional leaders who are already doing this work. Read about how the Libra Foundation, Tipping Point, Latino Community Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County, and Silicon Valley Community Foundation are creating donor collaboratives to leverage more capital.
Young people are fired up! They see injustices in their communities and existential threats to their futures - a severe housing and homelessness crisis, inflation and stagnant wages, democracy under threat and a loss of rights, and extreme climate impacts - all of which are felt disproportionately by Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other people of color communities.
As we continue to learn more about the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action, there are many unanswered questions regarding the broad reach of this decision on higher education and other sectors. Join us to hear from education leaders who are learning and responding to this decision.
Join us on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at The California Endowment offices in Los Angeles for a special convening on how philanthropy can collectively support housing justice for all California's communities.
Thank you, Dwayne, Marcus, Cathy, Dimple and Ed, for your thoughtful and inspiring answers to questions that challenge our thinking! Ed, I appreciate the hand off, and the question: How do we bridge the gap that often exists between rhetoric and action within our institutions?
Sometimes a name only tells part of the story. When people hear that I lead Northern California Grantmakers, they often envision a membership that serves the greater Bay Area. It’s understandable, as people frequently use the two terms frequently, presuming that NCG is synonymous with Bay Area. It is not. To be clear, our 220 institutional and 4,000 individual members are distributed throughout and serve the 48 northernmost California counties, from Kern County to the Oregon border. This region is larger than any U.S. state, save Alaska and Texas, and its home to nearly 16 million people.