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Dear CCJFG Member, We hope that you are wrapping up this year and preparing for a joyful and restorative holiday. As 2022 ends, it is important to reflect on the challenges and opportunities the year presented. This year the movement to end mass criminalization and mass incarceration faced serious backlash by way of fear mongering in the media and consequently, threats to the safety and security of grassroots leaders.
In the November election, we can advance statewide policy in California that is truly transformative for our communities. The scale of the housing crisis we're facing means our efforts need more scale, and local voters need more power to address the affordable housing and public infrastructure needs in their communities. Proposition 5 empowers local voters to approve bonds for affordable housing, critical public infrastructure, and emergency response in our communities with a 55% vote – if those bonds have strict accountability and oversight.
California ChangeLawyers is a public foundation whose mission is to build a better justice system for all Californians. I have been with the organization as the Program Officer for almost 3 years during which I have helped to lead our work on 3 primary programmatic functions to achieve our goals: grants, scholarships, and policy.
NCG is thrilled to launch this two-part event series in partnership with Mother Jones. Part 1 will introduce funders to the role that nonprofit news outlets play in a healthy democracy. Part 2 will follow up with a deep dive into how specific communities are often vulnerable to strategic disinformation campaigns and what local journalism can do to address it.
Since the start of the pandemic, we have observed several transitions among foundation CEOs. These transitions have come about in a number of different ways. A significant number of CEOs retired from their positions (and a few have been dragged back into the fold). Some transitions have occurred because of new (or renewed) foundation missions which necessitated changes in organizational structure. And others have come about due to the natural evolution of careers, interests, and opportunities. But whatever the case, understanding what these transitions are like for the leaders— current and former—is instructive to both the field and the larger community.
Philanthropy California (Philanthropy CA) is an initiative of Northern California Grantmakers (NCG), SoCal Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties. Our combined membership represents more than 600 foundations, corporate funders, philanthropic individuals and families, giving circles, and government agencies investing billions every year to support communities across the state, the country, and worldwide. Learn more about our alliance.
The 2024 election results put us face to face with the brutal truth of rising fascism in our country and the reality of California’s return to conservative “tough-on-crime” policies. We know the communities that will be most impacted by the regressive and dangerous statewide and national legislation are the same communities that survive the oppression of state violence, criminalization, and incarceration. Our solidarity with grassroots movements for healing and community safety is needed now more than ever. As we consider what this moment requires of us, we want to reflect on the lessons and successes from CCJFG’s last year and recommit to our role of supporting funders standing with the people.