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Communities across the country – especially those continuing to struggle with economic and health impacts from the pandemic – are hoping to access part of the billions of dollars in economic recovery dollars deployed to support economic recovery. However, it is groups disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, including rural, historically underserved, and BIPOC communities, that need to secure the funding that will have a generational impact on community climate resilience, public health, and other crucial systems.
It may seem the Census and Redistricting cycles have long concluded, but we continue to learn about details, impacts, and overall experience across the state. Various reports have lifted key findings and recommendations for all sectors to consider. Now more than ever, we must reflect on both cycles to build on the strategies and work of funders and nonprofit leaders. Equally imperative, we must incorporate recommendations and voices from our trusted partners to ensure fair representation for all Californians in future cycles.
To ensure economic securityfor Californians, our public safety net needs to evolve, and that means getting serious about unrestricted cash support at the state level.During this legislative cycle, there are many proposals to provide groups of Californians with direct cash supports. From tax credit proposals to reforms in safety net programs, there are critical policy levers California can and should implement now so that all Californians can have the resources needed to live and thrive in the Golden State.
NCG is excited to announce Kirin Kumar (he/him) as its Director for Climate and Disaster Resilience. As a part of the Strategic Initiatives team, Kirin is an integral member of Philanthropy California’s disaster response team.
NCG's Racial Equity Action Institute centers racial equity with an intersectional framework that recognizes the ways race is shaped and informed by class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Learn more about the annual cohort and how to apply here.
NCG recently announced a partnership with NCFP. Members can now have access to NCFP's webinars and resources at the member rate. You can learn more about it here.
The realities, challenges, and larger context of what Black and brown trans communities are facing locally and nationally are not well-known to funders or to our society in general. The list of articles below showcases Bay Area trans leaders and their organization’s work. From how The Transgender District is meeting the urgent needs of houseless trans people surviving in the pandemic, the ongoing legislative battles on trans youth and how GSA Network is building the leadership of trans youth of color, to the ongoing criminalization of undocumented trans migrants.