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We know that using data to inform education policy strategies dramatically increases college access and success in post-secondary education. Many states across the country have set statewide attainment goals, and we can now learn from those case studies. In partnership with Philanthropy California, we invite you to learn about statewide and national education policy efforts that have increased educational attainment and completion for California’s most vulnerable student populations.
Every year, NCG provides cohort-based Institutes, trainings, and series for the philanthropic sector. Each with it's own goal, they provide opportunities for the NCG community to work together.
A family philanthropy has a much better chance of success if there is an intentional culture that values continuous improvement, feedback and professional development, and an integrated approach of learning and assessment across governance, philanthropic strategy, succession, and more. The assessment process asks organizations to evaluate their philanthropic purpose, governance, team, accountability, finances, and family—to answer how you can continually keep people engaged and excited about this work, and improve on what already exists. This webinar will explore how board and staff can create a learning culture within the philanthropy, different tools to assess the organization internally, and strategies to build assessment and feedback into all facets of the work.
Many voices in philanthropy are speaking up, some for the first time, about the protests, the killings, and the structural racism behind them. We welcome all-comers and stand in our belief in Black, Indigenous, and communities of color as defenders of democratic ideals. We too are grieving and angry; structural and anti-Black racism are root causes of wealth, health, employment, and education disparities. The enforcement of racist policies is putting Black and Brown lives at the mercy of the pandemic and police brutality’s deadly toll.
Gun violence is the leading cause of death of children and teens in the United States, having disproportionately impacted BIPOC communities for generations. For far too long, the emphasis on gun violence reduction has focused on easy accessibility to guns without addressing the root causes and demanding direct input from those communities most impacted.
Our partners at Southern California Grantmakers are offering this event. Liberation Festival is coming back for the second year! In honor of Juneteenth, SCG is thrilled to once again host this virtual experience showcasing eight Black musicians, dances, rappers, and poets creating works on the themes of Black joy, expression, and excellence.
NCG recently announced a partnership with NCFP. Members can now have access to NCFP's webinars and resources at the member rate. You can learn more about it here.