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California Criminal Justice Funders Group invites you to join us for a post-election processing space. The November elections will have huge implications for our work and our communities, especially for directly impacted organizers and community members who are central to our collective work to end prisons, policing, and criminalization.
NCG’s sustainers recognize that philanthropy can and must do better. Our sustainers support and bolster NCG’s efforts to deliver programs and offerings that intentionally gather people, lift up effective practices that mobilize the field, and transform philanthropy as a whole to advance racial equity in our region. Additionally, this support gives NCG the opportunity to go deeper, explore new ideas, adapt when necessary, and to experiment with transformative approaches.
This is a pivotal moment in protecting and strengthening the fabric of American democracy. While we are still grappling with the destabilizing efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, we are watching the threat to democracy growing as state legislators in multiple states are pushing for new voting barriers that target Black and brown people, working-class folks, young people, and immigrants.
The Census is one of the cornerstones of our American democracy. Mandated by the United States Constitution, it is conducted every 10 years and is the largest peacetime effort of the federal government. Census data is used for a variety of purposes from allocation of billions of dollars of federal funding to political representation apportionment to enforcement of civil rights laws. When census information is not accurate, it threatens to muffle the voices of undercounted groups and regions, and undermine the basic political equality that is central to our democracy. Institutions across the country - including local and state governments, businesses, nonprofits and foundations - routinely rely on data from the census to allocate funding, define where services are delivered and promote economic development.
Philanthropy California is reviving our Sacramento Advocacy Day, back in-person since 2019! This convening is a unique opportunity to connect policymakers and philanthropy across the State and emphasize the importance of cross-sector collaboration. Join us April 1 & 2, 2025 at the State Capitol for a day and a half of programming and legislative meetings for opportunities to partner together on critical issues impacting our state as we welcome a new Congress and representatives.
Youth climate movements around the world have fundamentally changed the narrative around climate action – from youth Climate Strikes, to climate organizing in schools across the Bay Area, to Sunrise Movement laying the ground work for the (green)new deal era policies like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, to students on college campuses demanding their universities divest from fossil fuels we live in a world that is made better as a result of youth activism.
Join Philanthropy California and The Investment Integration Project for an information session on the Systems Aware Investing Launchpad (SAIL).