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Reaching consensus is difficult, particularly during a decision-making moment that will have a real impact on your philanthropy. How do you have productive conversations during meetings and other decision points when there are relationship dynamics, conflict, or simply differences of opinion? How do you allow for individual viewpoints across generations, but ensure there is a framework in place to push the collective goals of the philanthropy forward? Are there tips to facilitate productive meetings, especially when there are complex family dynamics at play? Learn strategies to manage dynamics, build in moments for family connection, and facilitate group decision-making.
It is with great sadness that NCG announces the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Jenny Chinn. Jenny joined the team 18 years ago and held the longest tenure of anyone ever to have worked at NCG. During that time, she became the backbone of the organization – a steady, cheerful source of support for everyone who got to work with her. Her official title was Senior Operations Manager, but we often referred to her as our office mom.
NCG's Rising Leaders Cohort is a unique opportunity to focus on your leadership journey within philanthropy and build the skills that will take you to the next level.
Northern California Grantmakers respects your personal privacy and is committed to protecting it. It is unnecessary to reveal your identity or personal information to visit
NCG's Foundations of Racial Equity (FRE) provides training for philanthropic practitioners to understand how anti-Black racism and white supremacy influence the field of the practice of philanthropy and provides opportunities for action in your organizations.
We will explore the ABFE approach to grantmaking with a racial equity lens. ABFE's framework, analysis, and tools provide opportunities for grantmakers to support Black communities, and, more broadly, our greater society. ABFE has created a set of tools that reduce gaps in racial disparities facing Blacks in the United States. By centering systemic anti-Black racism within an intersectional framework through which we understand the social, economic, historical, and cultural dimensions of human life, we can conduct grantmaking practices that address inequities across communities.
Together with Philanthropy California (a statewide alliance of Northern California Grantmakers, SoCal Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties), we’re championing a sustainable nonprofit sector by supporting the California Nonprofit Equity Initiative. This package of state bills will support and strengthen the larger nonprofit ecosystem. We’re proud to support this package of bills. Philanthropy has a critical responsibility to advocate for their individual grantees and the larger nonprofit ecosystem. We encourage you to learn more below and use your voice to bring more fairness and equity to government grant-making processes.