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Dear CCJFG Member, 2021 is a year of continued challenge, uncertainty and possibility. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact those incarcerated in abhorrent conditions, while also fueling an economic crisis that disproportionately affects Black, indigenous, and other people of color. We continue to bear witness to the failings of the criminal legal system as a tool for justice and accountability.
Join Philanthropy California to discuss the use of guarantees in impact investing and learn more about the Community Investment Guarantee Pool (CIGP).
To support philanthropy in the midterm elections, NCG committed to:
Thank you, Marcus and Dwayne, and Cathy and Dimple, for your courageous leadership. And Dimple, thank you for inviting me into the conversation to answer "What exactly holds us back from making more dramatic transformations in our philanthropy?" I’m humbled to be a part of it. I propose that what holds us back from making more dramatic transformations in philanthropy are three beliefs that we inherit and internalize from white supremacist culture.
NCG Member Austin Truong shared their experience in a session center belonging at the 2023 Annual Conference. Hear their experience and how belonging impacts the future of philanthropy.
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Governor Newsom has embarked on a massive $380M expansion of the decrepit 171-year-old San Quentin State Prison, leveraging co-opted language from the criminal justice reform movement in an attempt to rebrand the facility as a beacon of rehabilitation. Currently and formerly incarcerated leaders have developed actionable plans for improving conditions and honoring the dignity of people inside without wasting millions on prison infrastructure.