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I'm excited to share that NCG has launched its Collective Resilience Initiative, a new effort to support and strengthen the region’s nonprofit sector. The initiative focuses on the key factors impacting nonprofit sustainability in the region and the types of grantmaking practices that will best support evolving organizational needs.
Our staff from the Healthcare Foundation Northern Sonoma County joined NCG’s 2023 Power Building cohort to learn how to be better advocates for policy changes on behalf of our grantees and their clients. Our goals were to learn more about IRS rules governing public charity C3s doing C4 and C4-aligned funding, and to bring what we learn to our many nonprofit colleagues in Sonoma County who are hungry to engage in more advocacy, but unclear on how to move forward. There are roughly 3,000 nonprofits in Sonoma County. We believe that only by aligning and harnessing our collective resources around key issues that affect our most marginalized residents can we, as a sector, build the power necessary for real change.
A coalition of non-profit, philanthropic, business, and public sector partners are working to advance a regional bond that could unlock billions of dollars for the construction and preservation of affordable homes across 9 Bay Area counties at an unprecedented scale in the region.
To truly strengthen our democracy for the long-term, funders need to hear directly from young people and youth organizing staff and follow their lead to deeply invest in the ecosystem that builds political home and collective agency for us.
California Criminal Justice Funders Group is honored to welcome our newest Steering Committee member: Karren A. Lane, Director of the Youth Organizing Capacity Building Initiative from the Weingart Foundation. We are grateful for her experience and wisdom. Learn more about Karren below!
Election cycles bring both opportunities and challenges. With those, comes the need for time to connect with allies, celebrate wins, process change, and think about the road ahead.
Anti-Black racism and white supremacy are embedded in philanthropy and in our institutions, often invisible to the majority of us, even as we work with intention towards equity and justice. As change agents within philanthropy, we are stretching to become our best selves, rise to the moment, and progress toward racial equity.