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CCJFG is excited to share the second episode of our Funding the Yes podcast on Crimmigration. Funding the Yes asks the question: What does funding the yes look like within intersectional aspects of social and racial justice movements? Through conversations amongst funders and movement partners, we focus on strategies to fund building a more just future for our communities and ending systems of injustice.
The NCG Team
According to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, philanthropy invests most of its dollars immediately following a disaster, when media attention is at its peak. However, less than 10% of our philanthropic dollars go toward reducing hazard risk and preparing our communities for disasters.
CCJFG is creating a three-part podcast, Funding the Yes and we are proud to share the first episode with you! Funding the Yes asks the question: What does funding the yes look like within intersectional aspects of social and racial justice movements? Through conversations amongst funders and movement partners, we focus on strategies to fund building a more just future for our communities and ending systems of injustice. Each episode is co-created by CCJFG members and movement partners.
The looming election seems to be top of mind for many people, and certainly top of the news cycle. To some the election is signaling hope, but for others despair or apathy. I too, feel the knot in my stomach when thinking about the election, but not because I am worried about the results. For me, it’s because outcomes aside, I see the U.S. facing a rapid descent into fascism.
The Tax Equity Funders Network, Northern California Grantmakers, the Asset Funders Network of the Bay Area, and the League of California Community Foundations are hosting a three-part virtual learning and discussion series for California funders on improving economic security, wealth-building opportunities, and equity for low-income Californians through the tax code. This series, sponsored by Blue Shield of California Foundation, is informed by our recent scan of the CA tax credit ecosystem, and responds to California charitable foundations’ interest in learning about and addressing the challenges faced by low-income Californians at tax time and the potential to use tax systems to improve equity.