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When I started at Hirsch Philanthropy Partners, I had a few impressions. First, I was sensing a desire for big change in Bay Area philanthropy that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I was engaging in conversations about race, power and decision making, which were the kinds of conversations I was having previously in the nonprofit space. I also discovered that several Bay Area grantmakers were already doing grantmaking differently, bringing diverse communities closer to the center of their work and challenging power dynamics. It felt like a ripe time for change.
Funding Strategies to Accelerate Power-building Cohort is a new offering within NCG's Communities of Practice. This cohort is a 4-part learning and collaboration series that will help philanthropic grantmakers sharpen their power-building strategies by engaging in 501c(4) funding and complementary 501c(3) funding. A core premise is that these types of grantmaking strategies (which NCG calls “c4- aligned funding”) can accelerate movement building and systems-change goals, strengthen our democracy, and advance racial equity.
No matter where you start, success in life starts at home for all ages and all people. When we have safe, secure places to live – whether you rent or own – parents earn more, kids learn better, health and well-being improve, and our communities are strengthened. To build this future, we need to bring the Bay Area’s capacity for innovation and problem-solving to the challenge of preserving our pre-existing affordable housing. The constant loss of affordable units to the speculative market is accelerating the
displacement of working class and poor families - shedding our region of its diversity, vibrancy, and equity of opportunity.
The California Criminal Justice Funders Group is thrilled to welcome our second cohort of movement advisors. Tanisha Cannon, Managing Director of Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, Claudia Gonzalez, Central Valley Policy Associate with Root and Rebound, and Sandy Valenciano, Advisor and Consultant to youth rights and crimmigration organizations, Decarceration Strategist and Organizer, with All Youth Are Sacred Initiative and California Alliance for Youth and Community Justice will join us for a two-year term.
No matter where you start, success in life starts at home for all ages and all people. When we have safe, secure places to live – whether you rent or own – parents earn more, kids learn better, health and well-being improve, and our communities are strengthened. To build this future, we need to bring the Bay Area’s capacity for innovation and problem-solving to the challenge of preserving our pre-existing affordable housing. The constant loss of affordable units to the speculative market is accelerating the
displacement of working class and poor families - shedding our region of its diversity, vibrancy, and equity of opportunity.
CCJFG’s Steering Committee recently engaged in a process to identify values and commitments to guide our work. We invite CCJFG members to review the following values, and the commitments they represent, and join us in embodying and striving towards these values from whatever current location and perspective you may hold.
The tax code is one of the largest tools federal, state, and local governments can use to provide families with economic security and wealth-building opportunities. Yet the tax code systematically disadvantages women, people of color, immigrants, and low-income families. On behalf of Blue Shield of California Foundation, the Tax Equity Funders Network, Northern California Grantmakers, the Asset Funders Network, and the League of California Community Foundations, we invite you to the second, three-part virtual learning and discussion series for California funders on improving economic security, wealth- building opportunities, and equity for low-income Californians through the tax code.