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NCG's Unconscious Whiteness in Philanthropy cohort learning series is for white-identifying foundation and philanthropic client-serving professionals, and foundation senior executives and board members. Learn more here.
NCG's Rising Leaders Cohort is a unique opportunity to focus on your leadership journey within philanthropy and build the skills that will take you to the next level.
Achieving racial equity and sustaining a viable democracy go hand in hand. NCG defines democracy as the processes, systems, and structures for historically marginalized and underrepresented community members to participate in a political system that fulfills the promise of an equitable multi-racial society. Northern California is a region that can model this approach, ensuring that people of color and other communities historically underrepresented and marginalized in our political process fully engage in the democratic process.
According to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, philanthropy invests most of its dollars immediately following a disaster, when media attention is at its peak. However, less than 10% of our philanthropic dollars go toward reducing hazard risk and preparing our communities for disasters.
Northern California Grantmakers respects your personal privacy and is committed to protecting it. It is unnecessary to reveal your identity or personal information to visit
NCG's Racial Equity Action Institute centers racial equity with an intersectional framework that recognizes the ways race is shaped and informed by class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Learn more about the annual cohort and how to apply here.
Every year, NCG provides cohort-based Institutes, trainings, and series for the philanthropic sector. Each with it's own goal, they provide opportunities for the NCG community to work together.