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We have the privilege of living in one of the richest, most innovative, and – some believe –progressive regions in the world. Now is the time we prove it. We must enact solutions that withstand punitive and regressive policies, fortify community, and embody values-based approaches.
The California Criminal Justice Funders Group is thrilled to welcome our second cohort of movement advisors. Tanisha Cannon, Managing Director of Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, Claudia Gonzalez, Central Valley Policy Associate with Root and Rebound, and Sandy Valenciano, Advisor and Consultant to youth rights and crimmigration organizations, Decarceration Strategist and Organizer, with All Youth Are Sacred Initiative and California Alliance for Youth and Community Justice will join us for a two-year term.
This summer, the California Criminal Justice Funders Group welcomed two new Steering Committee members Krea Gomez (she/they) and Julie Vue (she/they). We're so grateful for their wisdom and guidance. Read the Q&A with both of them here.
Ahead of the 2024 General Election, Philanthropy California — the statewide alliance of Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties, Northern California Grantmakers, and SoCal Grantmakers — stands firm in our commitment to a vibrant and inclusive democracy. We believe free and fair elections are vital, as are efforts to protect the integrity of our democratic institutions and processes. We are united in our commitment to advance policies that build healthy, thriving, and equitable communities across our state.
The looming election seems to be top of mind for many people, and certainly top of the news cycle. To some the election is signaling hope, but for others despair or apathy. I too, feel the knot in my stomach when thinking about the election, but not because I am worried about the results. For me, it’s because outcomes aside, I see the U.S. facing a rapid descent into fascism.
Sometimes a name only tells part of the story. When people hear that I lead Northern California Grantmakers, they often envision a membership that serves the greater Bay Area. It’s understandable, as people frequently use the two terms frequently, presuming that NCG is synonymous with Bay Area. It is not. To be clear, our 220 institutional and 4,000 individual members are distributed throughout and serve the 48 northernmost California counties, from Kern County to the Oregon border. This region is larger than any U.S. state, save Alaska and Texas, and its home to nearly 16 million people.
As we face the stinging backlash to progress and concerted efforts to challenge the movement for greater equity and inclusion, a new generation of organizers and leaders are defending these wins and building the power of communities to dismantle systems of oppression.