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The recently finalized “public charge” rule forces families to choose between basic necessities, such as food, housing, and health care, and their future. NCG is proud to join 25 other California foundations in signing a letter urging the entire philanthropic community in California to join us in our recommitment to creating the inclusive California we know is possible, and to support advocacy and direct services organizations fighting to create safe and thriving communities across our state in the face of this new “public charge” rule. Read the letter, below.
One of the biggest challenges is knowing how much to pivot to meet the myriad challenges emerging. For our part, as your regional resource for effective philanthropic practice, we are adopting a grounded yet flexible approach – staying true to the priorities that we have elevated as a community over the past three years, but finding partners and allies who can help us with emergent crises.
It is with bittersweet emotions and heartfelt support that NCG wishes farewell to NCG's Collaborative Philanthropy Coordinator, Krystle Chipman, as she closes this chapter and begins a new one.
This month, NCG's Collaborative Philanthropy Coordinator, Krystle Chipman, sat down with the Loan Underwriter of the Arts Loan Fund and Principal of Padma Consulting, Margaret Southerland. Margaret shared why she believes the Arts Loan Fund (ALF) can be a game changer for arts nonprofits in the region.
Thank you, Dwayne, Marcus, Cathy, Dimple and Ed, for your thoughtful and inspiring answers to questions that challenge our thinking! Ed, I appreciate the hand off, and the question: How do we bridge the gap that often exists between rhetoric and action within our institutions?
The Resourcing Resilience report, created in partnership between Philanthropy California and Nonprofit Finance Fund, provides a landscape analysis of public and philanthropic investments in climate resilience and serves as a call to action for both sectors to unlock pathways to more equitable, accessible funding. Philanthropic and government funders have important roles to play in addressing the real challenges communities face when securing funding for their work on climate adaptation, mitigation, and disaster resilience. Neither can achieve meaningful and equitable climate action alone, and community-led solutions require coordinated public and private support. The actions recommended in this report outline a path forward for ensuring communities are able to access funding they need.
NCG's longest-running fund, the Arts Loan Fund (ALF) is welcoming two new Co-Chairs! NCG's own Viridiana (Viry) Romero chatted with Ron Muriera and Denise Pate to talk about what's in store for the ALF, why it's unique, and how they are sharing power to support communities.