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Although the missions, strategies, and goals of our foundations are different, we share the belief that the grant application process should be simpler, and it is our responsibility as funders to reduce the burdens we place on grantseekers wherever we can. That is what our newly launched Common Application for the Arts is all about.
Philanthropy plays a vital role in a healthy democracy when it actively supports freedom of expression, dissent, and the right to organize for change. For decades, philanthropic institutions have provided crucial resources to organizations and coalitions fighting for justice and equity. This support is essential for a thriving democracy where diverse voices can be heard and contribute to transformative change.
We know firsthand that philanthropy can be tempted to suppress voices of protest and dissent, especially during times of crisis such as recent global events.
The Community Arts Stabilization Trust’s goal is to acquire 100,000 square feet of space for arts groups by the end of 2018 and expand its footprint in Oakland. Today, the Kenneth Rainin Foundation announced $3 million in additional funding for the Community Arts Stabilization Trust (CAST), a game-changing organization that protects San Francisco Bay Area arts and cultural organizations from displacement. This three-year grant will help CAST realize an ambitious goal to acquire 100,000 square feet of space for arts groups by the end of 2018. With this funding, CAST will expand and prioritize its work in Oakland to create permanently affordable spaces for arts organizations. The funding will also help CAST continue its work in San Francisco.
Well, it didn’t take long for 2021 to remind us that the journey back from the edge of an abyss will not be a gentle one. Last Wednesday showed us we will need to advance racial equity to achieve a functioning democracy. And if democracy fails, we cannot sustain racial equity. The insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th undermines both.
Popping up near bus stops, train stations, and other strategically placed locations within a driver’s line of vision are giant billboards in crisp black and white, proclaiming: Abortion is and will remain legal in California. Overlaid on the message in a puffy, golden font reads a closing reassurance: We got you!
Miguel asks: “Why do y’all think so many foundations are unwilling to give out more than the minimum payout? How can we convince larger foundations to give more than what is legally required?”
Why does philanthropy change its focus and strategy so often, and on time frames that are unrealistic for minor victories let alone systemic change?