Search Results
It may seem the Census and Redistricting cycles have long concluded, but we continue to learn about details, impacts, and overall experience across the state. Various reports have lifted key findings and recommendations for all sectors to consider. Now more than ever, we must reflect on both cycles to build on the strategies and work of funders and nonprofit leaders. Equally imperative, we must incorporate recommendations and voices from our trusted partners to ensure fair representation for all Californians in future cycles.
Join us for an in-person grant writing training that brings together community-based organizations, nonprofits, and Tribes in and around Salinas and the Monterey Bay Region to learn about pursuing grant funds to support your organization’s vision and values. An emphasis will be building organizational capacity to address climate resilience initiatives. Registration, coffee, and networking at 8:30 a.m., program starts at 9 a.m.
Led by the Council on Foundations Legal team, this workshop is flexibly organized to ensure that your broad legal questions for administering funds, grants, and corporate foundation activities are addressed. The legal team will provide technical and practical understanding of complex rules and regulations. Throughout the workshop, sessions will be curated with the help of insight gleaned from the Council's top-notch legal team that interacts with nearly 2,000 foundation leaders each year, as well as trends spotted by our broader team. It will be timely, relevant, and a deeper dive than the basics, surfacing critical insights and expertise to advance your knowledge of the corporate foundation inner workings--from administration to governance, self-dealing to grantmaking.
Last year, CCJFG hosted a 2-part webinar series focused on local implementation of SB 823 (juvenile justice realignment) which passed in 2021 and will ultimately shutter the California’s Division of Juvenile Justice.
California Criminal Justice Funders Group invites you to join us for a post-election processing space. The November elections will have huge implications for our work and our communities, especially for directly impacted organizers and community members who are central to our collective work to end prisons, policing, and criminalization.
Join us for an in-person grant writing training that brings together community-based organizations, nonprofits, and Tribes in and around Santa Rosa and the North Bay to learn about pursuing grant funds to support your organization’s vision and values. An emphasis will be on building organizational capacity to address climate resilience initiatives.
Join us for an in-person grant writing training that brings together community-based organizations, nonprofits, and Tribes in and around Redding to learn about pursuing grant funds to support your organization’s vision and values. An emphasis will be building organizational capacity to address climate resilience initiatives.